What we do

To fulfill each of our goals, we plan and implement a series of interrelated actions.

To empower and support sex workers

  • Social meetups for sex workers with the aim of empowering sex workers’ community through regular interaction

  • Free legal advice from a lawyer

  • Free psychological support from a mental health specialist

  • Peer-to-peer support (counseling from sex workers to sex workers) on issues related to sex work (e.g., safe practices, stigma management)

  • Organising and implementing educational seminars aimed at raising awareness and harm reduction (e.g., on legal issues, sexual health issues)

  • Encouraging sex workers’ participation in seminars/conferences in Greece or abroad with the aim of raising their awareness on the sex work movement/sex work advocacy.

To combat whorephobia and the stigma associated with sex work

  • Production of (printed/digital) informational material aimed at raising awareness about sex workers’ demands for rights as well as about the challenges, violence, and discriminations they are often confronted with.

  • Production of documentaries that address the difficulties faced by sex workers.

  • Giving interviews to printed/digital media (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, etc.) so that sex workers’ voices are heard and popularised

  • Launching awareness campaigns on topics related to sex work (e.g., campaigns regarding sex workers’ access to health services, campaigns for people who purchase sexual services)

  • Participation in festivals and social events with the aim of combating stigma through the dialogue between members/volunteers of our union and other citizens

  • Participation in academic research and collaboration with universities inside and outside Greece

To advocate sex workers’ human and labour rights

  • Dialogue with state institutions, political leaders, and local authorities with the aim of defending sex workers’ rights and raising awareness on sex workers’ interests.

  • Intervention actions (e.g., holding press releases, signing/launching petitions, sending letters of complaint/letters of raising awareness to local and governmental authorities)