Who we are

The Sex Worker Empowerment Network (SWEN) is a non-governmental union that was founded in 2021 in Athens as a sex workers’ initiative, with the support of sex work movement scholars, allies and activists.

Our main goals are:

  1. to empower and support sex workers.

  2. to combat whorephobia and the stigma associated with sex work.

  3. to advocate sex workers’ human and labour rights.

The Sex Worker Empowerment Network (SNE) is a member, aligns ideologically the he’s got cooperate with various international and European ones agencies – allies for the rights of sex workers , such as the European Sex Workers Rights Alliance (ESWA), the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP), the European Network for the Promotion of Rights and Health among Migrant Sex Workers (TAMPEP), and the Sex Workers’ Rights Advocacy Network (SWAN);

What we stand for

We defend the right of sex workers to self-determination, self-organisation and self-determination of their bodies.

We oppose all forms of violence (verbal, physical, psychological), injustice and exploitation against sex workers, regardless of their gender, race, colour, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, religious or other beliefs, disability or chronic illness, age, family/social status.

We envision a world where all forms of sex work will be recognized as a legal form of work and where sex workers will not experience social exclusion or discrimination because of their choice to work as sex workers.